Recent Insights Shared by NBC Members
NBC is pleased to share relevant articles and published works from our members, as well as from other business leaders, practicing professionals, researchers and clinicians.
June 8, 2021 |
By Kathleen Greer, M.Ed, John Quick, Ph.D.
Since COVID, organizations have been scrambling to find innovative behavioral health tools that will augment outpatient counseling. A recent NBC member survey revealed 15 examples of top-tier EAPs whose innovative solutions are helping meet that need.
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April 26, 2021 |
By john Quick, Ph.D., Kathleen Greer, M.Ed
The growing need for mental health services has caught the attention of investors, who have been quick to capitalize on emerging industry opportunities. Would that have happened if mental health was a well-functioning industry?
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February 17, 2021 |
By Kathy Greer, M.Ed
The need for mental health services in the U.S. has never been greater, jumping from 4% to 47% in under two years. As a result, employers’ reliance on top-tier EAPs is now critical. Full-service EAPs assist in many ways, from online evidence-based therapy and in-person counseling to work-life and organizational support.
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January 27, 2021 |
By Kathleen Greer, M.Ed, Bryan Kohl
Empathy is something organizations have been talking about for decades. As a result, some can truly characterize their culture as one grounded in empathy, while others, perhaps not as much. Suffice it to say, the pandemic has forced organizations to reflect on their workforces — to better understand their employees’ myriad of needs, expectations and overall wellbeing. As we continue to move through this pandemic, employees’ behavioral health have become top-of-mind for many organizations.
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September 16, 2020 |
By Kathleen Greer, M.Ed, Tom Shjerven
A knowledgeable benefits broker or consultant can be critical to helping organizations make the right behavioral health choices for their employees. Read the 10 suggestions offered by NBC members to optimize these pivotal decisions.
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August 15, 2020 |
By Morneau Shepell
The Workplace Outcome Suite (WOS) industry profile is made up of data contributed by multiple providers worldwide since year 2010. This white paper is the forth in an annual series of reports on the Workplace Outcome Suite that first started in 2016. This study looks at six outcomes from the WOS: (1) Work Presenteeism, (2) Work Absenteeism, (3) Workplace Distress, (4) Work Engagement, (5) Life Satisfaction, and (6) a new measure that combines the results of the absenteeism and presenteeism data converted into hours of Lost Productive Time (LPT) at work.
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